World Kindness Day
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Members of Onchan School entered a World Kindness Day competition this year, which involved designing colourful posters depicting what kindness meant to them. We did very well and had 4 prize winners as jointly judged by Grant Thornton and the Head of Arts and Culture for IOM Government.

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HSBC volunteer day
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Many thanks to the team of 3 volunteers from HSBC who came to school yesterday and got thoroughly drenched whilst doing some digging, planting, clearing and weeding. Our entrance area has some new perennials; in the Spring we should have the start of a wildflower area by the drop off zone. Also, ou…

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Muddy Monday!
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The children have loved going on regular trips to Molly Quirks Glen for 'Muddy Monday'! They have enjoyed playing team games, exploring colour, making repeating patterns using natural objects and they even got to toast marshmallows on a real fire. The children learnt about fire safety and listened…

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Funky Finger Friday in FS
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Every Friday morning we set up 5 different activities to support the development of the children's fine-motor skills. Fine-motor skills are essential for performing everyday skills such as writing, cutting and even dressing (buttons/zips). All children have shown great enthusiasm and fantastic resi…

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New SDGs for Autumn Term 2
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Our SDG SOLE questions for this half term are: 5 – Gender Equality Why are women sometimes treated differently to men? Should men and women be paid the same? 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Will we ever achieve world peace? Is justice always fair? Why do we need law and enforcement? Fin…

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FS Wildlife Park Trip
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We had a great day at the Wildlife Park for the children's first big trip out of school! The children enjoyed travelling there on a double decker bus and had lots of fun exploring in the park. We spent time in the school room learning about lots of different animals and camouflage/pattern. We then…

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Foundation Stage Go Shopping!
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Today our first group of children went to Shoprite with Mrs Bird and Mrs Watterson to buy the weekly snack. The children were all given an item to look out for when they were there. They talked about light and heavy items of food and money. The children also learnt about road safety during the walk…

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