Year 3 Tag Rugby
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Some of our Year 3 Tag Rugby Club members participated in the MSR Tournament this month. They played brilliant and won all their games apart from 1. Their understanding of the rules was exceptional and they showed fantastic team work throughout the afternoon. Well done Year 3!

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Safer Internet Day 2022
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(From saferinternet.org) Each year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores a new issue or theme which is impacting the lives of young people in the UK. For 2022 the Day celebrates young people’s role in creating a safer internet and the ways they are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces they…

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New SDGs for Spring Term 1
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Our SDG SOLE questions for this half term are: 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth What can be done to stop unemployment? Why do we need jobs? 10 – Reduced Inequalities Why are some countries poorer than others? Will the world ever be equal?

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Outdoor Display Update
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Our outdoor display board has been updated this morning and now shows learning which has taken place in Years 3 and 4. Please do have a look on your way past!

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Foundation Stage were so lucky to have some familiar faces come into school to talk to us about Hanukkah! We found out all about what Hanukkah is and special traditions, such as lighting a candle each night, singing special songs and playing the dreidel game. The children also made a candle craft t…

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World Kindness Day
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Members of Onchan School entered a World Kindness Day competition this year, which involved designing colourful posters depicting what kindness meant to them. We did very well and had 4 prize winners as jointly judged by Grant Thornton and the Head of Arts and Culture for IOM Government.

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HSBC volunteer day
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Many thanks to the team of 3 volunteers from HSBC who came to school yesterday and got thoroughly drenched whilst doing some digging, planting, clearing and weeding. Our entrance area has some new perennials; in the Spring we should have the start of a wildflower area by the drop off zone. Also, ou…

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