Meet our School Council! Our School Council work tremendously hard to represent the views and ideas of all pupils at Onchan School. We meet every Monday to discuss current issues, improvements and to plan events in order to raise money for various charities!

More in the section School Council:

Anti-Bullying Policy

We spent a long time speaking to pupils and teachers at Onchan School to create our own anti-bullying policy. This is what we created! We are very proud that this underpins anti-bullying at Onchan School and feel that it represents everybody's opinions extremely well.

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Fairtrade Conference

Members of our School Council were fortunate enough to attend the Fairtrade Conference, hosted by the One World Centre. The students learnt about where Fairtrade products come from, partook in a debate about Fairtrade and even got to run a chocolate tasting session! They are excited to share their…

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Government House

We had a wonderful visit to Government House today. We had the opportunity to meet the Lieutenant Governor who showed us around his residency and told us lots of interesting stories about his time as Lieutenant Governor. We then partook in a quiz, which involved exploring the grounds to find the an…

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Isle Listen Bale Sale

Thank you to everyone who brought in some delicious cakes and contributed to School Council’s bake sale! School Council worked hard to organise, advertise and set up this event and we are so proud of them! Everyone had an amazing day and our students loved supporting this amazing cause. A big thank…

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MSPCA Dress like an Animal Day

As a school, we partook in the MSPCA's 'dress like an animal day' to raise money for their charity. We advertised this event by creating posters and displaying them around school. We are proud to announce that Onchan School raised £270.34 for the MSPCA. Thank you to everyone who partook and dressed…

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Playground Rules

When looking at respect during one of our meetings, we decided that an important area to focus on would be play times. We created a list of rules that we thought would enable all pupils and teachers to be safe and respectful at play times whilst still having fun!

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Springfield Court

We had a lovely visit to Springfield Court to deliver our Christmas cards and spread some festive cheer! The residents loved speaking with the children and hearing them sing some Christmas songs. We are very proud at how well they represented Onchan School!

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