New SDGs for Autumn Term 2
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Our SDG SOLE questions for this half term are: 5 – Gender Equality Why are women sometimes treated differently to men? Should men and women be paid the same? 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Will we ever achieve world peace? Is justice always fair? Why do we need law and enforcement? Fin…

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FS Wildlife Park Trip
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We had a great day at the Wildlife Park for the children's first big trip out of school! The children enjoyed travelling there on a double decker bus and had lots of fun exploring in the park. We spent time in the school room learning about lots of different animals and camouflage/pattern. We then…

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Foundation Stage Go Shopping!
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Today our first group of children went to Shoprite with Mrs Bird and Mrs Watterson to buy the weekly snack. The children were all given an item to look out for when they were there. They talked about light and heavy items of food and money. The children also learnt about road safety during the walk…

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Halloween Disco
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Our lovely parents from the OSA decorated the sports hall and provided drinks, sweets and a glow stick for every child. We had so much fun dancing and playing games in our spooky costumes!

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A Visit From a Police Officer!
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Foundation Stage were very lucky to have a visit from a real Police Officer, PC Dave! The children were given time to think about and ask questions, such as, How do the blue lights work? Do you have a police dog? PC Dave then very kindly let all the children sit in the police van and try on his hat…

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New outdoor display!
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As you may have noticed we have a new noticeboard outside! It is located on the fence by the Foundation Stage gate. This is going to be used to display learning each half term, so you can see lots of the different activities which take place within Onchan School. It will celebrate learning in a dif…

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Year 3 Stars Event
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Year 3 enjoyed a morning at the Elim Church where they got to listen to different stories, play games and do some art. This is a trip that we have been on each year with our Year 3 children in the past so it was lovely to be able to go on this trip once again! Thank you to all the volunteers that m…

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Onchan Girls Football Team
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The Year 6 girls had a fantastic time at this terms football tournament. They got to play against schools from all over the island in the fun tournament.

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Onchan Hockey Team
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A huge well done to Onchan School Hockey Team who won their region tournament and came 5th in the national finals. They came 5th out of 42 schools which is a fantastic achievement!

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