Welcome to Foundation Stage!

2024 - 2025

Parent's evening link with Mr Jones


Parent Information

This half-term our main focus is to encourage the children's independence and build on their amazing start to the year. They will also continue to build their positive relationships with their peers and staff. The children are becoming more confident around school beyond the Reception environment - assemblies, lunch times on the big playground and being part of the school Houses. We are beginning to look at and understand the school values (respect, courage, compassion, endeavour and integrity) and we will be encouraging and looking for these behaviours in their learning and play.

Reading and writing continue to be a big focus and the children are doing well in phonics having started phase 3. At this stage we are encouraging the children to be more independent with their segmenting, blending and writing, aiming to read cvc, ccvc and cvcc words and write small captions. This highlights the importance of reading and practising as much as possible at home so thank you for your support with this.

We will also be encouraging the children to become confident talkers - being more able to speak clearly in front of a group their own thoughts and ideas, retelling stories or past events and answering questions.

See below for the learning we are covering this term and you can find further information on the Foundation Stage Home Learning page on Microsoft Teams.

If you would like to read up more about England’s Development Matters, please visit: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/governmen...

Spring 1 Newsletter

Foundation Stage Learning Themes

Spring 1

Maths Numbers up to 10, Splitting numbers - whole part models
Literacy book focus Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs stories, dinosaur fact books
Topic Dinosaurs, Chinese New Year
PSHE Learning rules and routines, keeping ourselves safe

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