Welcome to Foundation Stage!

2023 - 2024

Parent Information

This term our topic is pirates. We will be finding out lots of new facts and completing a variety of activities such as making ships, props and costumes, making our own treasure maps and letters and much more!

The children have nearly made it to the end of the Phase 3 phonics sounds that we need to cover in Reception and we will now be practising the digraphs and trigraphs (2 and 3 letter sounds e.g. 'oi' and 'ear') with a higher expectation on the amount the children can write. Please continue to practise at home with the phonics learning logs and encourage your child to write on the blank pages, we love seeing their independent writing!

As always, please continue to listen to your children read as much as possible. They are now becoming more confident with blending and now that we have no new sounds to learn, this will really help them to consolidate the sounds they are unsure of and build their confidence if they have enough practise.

See below for the learning we are covering this term and you can find further information on the Foundation Stage Home Learning page on Microsoft Teams.

If you would like to read up more about England’s Development Matters, please visit: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/governmen...*Please note that our final curriculum will be an adapted version of this.

Getting Ready for Year 1 Booklet

Foundation Stage Learning Themes

Summer 1

Maths To 20 and Beyond - learning the teen numbers and practising addition
Literacy book focus The Night Pirates
Topic Pirates. Signs of Summer
PSHE Learning strategies to help us if we are feeling angry. School Value - Respect

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