
You will receive an annual written report on your child’s progress each year.

Our 'end of year' reports for each pupil are emailed home towards the end of the Summer Term. These should provide you with a thorough overview of how your child has got on over the school year - if you would like to discuss the report with the class teacher, we encourage you to make an appointment to do so.

Meet the Teacher

At this initial Parents Evening in October, you will be invited to a drop in session in your child's class. This is an opportunity for you to look around your child's classroom, look through books and find out how your child has settled in during the first half term. This will also provide you with information about what to expect during the year and how you can help your child at home. This is an informal event and no appointment is required.

Parents Evening

Around February half term, we hold a more formal Parents Evening, where an appointment will be required. Appointments are for ten minutes, and are to discuss your child's academic progress, behaviour and general conduct and performance at school. We offer both online meetings via Teams and face-to-face meetings.

Please do note that we encourage an ongoing dialogue between home and school; if you have anything you would like to talk to your child's teacher about, please get in touch and we will arrange a face to face meeting or a phone call. Parents Evening is just a couple of times a year - but we're always here to talk things through with you!

As always, please contact your child's Class Teacher if you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss your child at any point throughout the year.

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