School Dinners


The school has its own kitchen and provides children with a two course meal each day, you can find a copy of the latest school lunch menu https://desc.gov.im/education/education/primary-education/primary-school-meals/

The children also have the option of choosing from our salad bar (see below) on a daily basis and can choose a drink of milk or water.


School dinner charges are detailed below:


We ask that dinner money is paid through Parent Pay. This is our online payment system which can be used to pay for school dinner, milk and school trips. When your child joins Onchan School, you will be issued with a Log In for Parent Pay. To find out more about Parent Pay, please click here.

Parents in receipt of Supplementary Benefit or Family Income Supplement are eligible for free lunches; application should be made to the Department of Education and Children using the form which is available online here.

Packed Lunches

The school also has facilities for children with packed lunches.

Packed lunches can be brought into school in a clearly named purpose made container/lunchbox. We ask that you do not include any sweets, chocolate items or fizzy drinks when packing your child's lunch. This rule helps support the healthy eating teaching given throughout the school. As we strive to be a 'Nut Free School', please ensure that there are no nut products in your child's packed lunch.

Please note : The School Office would appreciate two week’s written notice of any change in lunch arrangements.

If you have any questions please contact our School Office.


Parents can provide a healthy snack for their child to eat mid morning. To support the healthy eating teaching given throughout the school, please do not send any sweets, chocolate items, crisps or fizzy drinks in for snack.

There is the option for your child to be provided with a small milk carton for snack time. Milk is currently £15 per term and changes can only be made in the first two or last two weeks of term - for further information, please contact the School Office. Milk money can be paid via Parent Pay. See above for further information on Parent Pay.

Children in Foundation Stage are provided with a healthy snack and a drink by the school at the cost of £15 per half term. We ask that payments are sent into the Foundation Stage team within the first two weeks of the half term in a named and sealed envelope.


To ensure your child stays hydrated throughout the day, please provide your child with a named water bottle which can be refilled when necessary. Water bottles go home at the end of each day so that they can be cleaned. If your child forgets their water bottle, they can be provided with a cup for the day. Children have access to their water bottles all day. Bottles should contain water to encourage healthy eating.

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School Information Lunch and Snack