Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education

We have spent time developing an Onchan Curriculum for PSHE and RSE in school so that it amalgamates many areas of learning including; our school vision and values, 6Rs and learning powers, emotional literacy, keeping safe, relationships and key events throughout the year. We have also added into it the Island's Curricular Guidance for Relationships and Sex Education, which is a planned approach across school, from Reception to Year 6.

PSHE and RSE is taught in all classes across school on a Friday afternoon. For most of the time common themes are explored which are age and stage appropriate. Our Monday assemblies also link to the theme being covered that week.

For more information please see the DESC website, which can be accessed here.

Vision and Values

Our school vision and values play a key role in many of our discussions within PSHE. Across the year the children will focus in on each of our values to gain a deeper understanding of each of them. For more information about our school vision and values please click here.



Over the past couple of years we have been lucky enough to secure links with Isle Listen and their Primary School service. Throughout the school year all children, within Key Stage 2, receive eight classroom sessions from an Isle Listen Practitioner, covering a range of topics across 4 key areas; emotional literacy, self-esteem, positive relationships and coping skills. Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive three assemblies each year covering; An Introduction to Mental Health, Friendships and Changes.

Isle Listen School Service Guidance

Year 3 Overview

Year 4 Overview

Year 5 Overview

Year 6 Overview

RSE Curriculum

As mentioned above our Relationships and Sex Education lessons are taken from the Island's Curricular Guidance. We have a systematic, planned approach to teaching these lessons from Reception to Year 6. To avoid confusion and risks that come with parts of our bodies not being named correctly, please be aware that across school we will be using the correct terminology for these.

RSE Primary Overview

RSE Content Summer Term 2024

Withdrawal from RSE Form

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Learning at Onchan PSHE and RSE