Welcome to our New Starters page for 2025/26!

Here you will find information all about Onchan School and our lovely Foundation Stage.

To our New Starters and their Grown Ups

Welcome to Onchan School. If you are reading this, we hope that you are going to be joining our Reception classes here at our fabulous Onchan School. School is something really good. It’s a place where we make friends, have lots of fun and do lots of really brilliant things. We also become really good at learning and everyone who comes here becomes a 'Values Ambassador'.

We are really looking forward to you starting your learning journey with us, but in the meantime have a look at our photographs and videos to find out more!

Mrs Richardson - Headteacher

Please see below for all the information you need to start at Onchan School in September 2025. If there is something missing or you are unsure of, please see our School Information tab on our main page where you can find out more. For any other queries, please e-mail our school office at: OnchanEnquiries@sch.im.

Our Parent Booklet is a great place to start finding out about starting school in September:

Parent Booklet

Transition Support for Children

We appreciate transitioning to primary school can be a huge milestone for some children. To support your child on their journey to school we have created some welcome videos from our staff team. We have also created a social story about starting school which we will share with your child's nursery soon. If you are worried about your child's transition, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mr Jones - Foundation Stage Leader and Class Teacher

Mrs Leonetti - Class Teacher

Miss Kirk - ESO

Mrs Watterson - SESO

Starting Onchan School

Please read this booklet with your child to help them prepare for school. It contains everything the children might be worried about including where they will be dropped off and picked up. You could print this for your child so they can look through it for themselves afterwards too if you wish.

Transition Timeline and Events

November 28th 2024, 09.30 - 10.30am - Stay and Play Session 1.

The following events are lined up to aid your child's journey to school, stay tuned for specific dates:

March 2025 - Stay and Play Session 2

May 2025 - Parent's Meeting held at Onchan School

June 2025 - Nursery Visits
*This is where school staff will arrange with your child's nursery to visit them in their familiar setting.

July Transition Days

July 2025 - Transition Visits to Onchan School -

**In addition, there are also two network meetings prior to your child starting school, where all nurseries and schools are invited to meet.

School Holidays

Click on the link below to view the school holidays. Please note that Reception will start a day later in September compared to the rest of the school.

School Holidays

We are really excited for your child to start school with us in September!