Football Festival at King William's College
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We were delighted to be invited to a football festival at King William's College, playing against Foxdale, Ashley Hill, Arbory and The Buchan Schools. Our team played with great spirit, thoroughly demonstrating our School Values and were unbeaten for the morning. Well done to all who represented On…

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Music Transition
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Y6 have been incredibly lucky to have Ms. Temple from SNHS in to do some music transition sessions with us. We spent a few weeks in our classrooms learning about different rhythms and some musical vocabulary before joining together to learn different singing warm ups and start rehearsing for the Bi…

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Wow, what a success Mathletics has been so far in school! Our KS1 and KS2 children have relished the challenge of earning certificates - so many have been handed out in our celebration assemblies. A massive shout out to those children who have already earned their silver certificates. To do that, t…

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Fairtrade Conference
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Some members of out School Council were fortunate enough to attend the Fairtrade Conference, hosted by the One World Centre. The students learnt about where Fairtrade products come from, partook in a debate about Fairtrade and even got to run a chocolate tasting session! They are excited to share t…

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Isle Listen Bake Sale!
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Thank you to everyone who brought in some delicious cakes and contributed to School Council’s bake sale! School Council worked hard to organise, advertise and set up this event and we are so proud of them! Everyone had an amazing day and our students loved supporting this amazing cause. A big thank…

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Year 3 and 4 Eastern Football Tournament
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Well done Year 3 and 4 Football team who showed tremendous resilience, skill and teamwork at the Year 3 and 4 Eastern Football Festival. We lost count of all the brilliant goals and amazing saves! Many thanks to all the festival organisers and parent helpers. Well done Team Onchan!

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Millennium Football tournament 2024
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Well done to our amazing Millennium Football team. Our team made it confidently to the semi finals! All day they showed great sportsmanship and focus! We lost count of all the goals! A special thank you to Paul and Andy for helping this year's Millennium team. Well done team Onchan!

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