MSPCA assembly
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Today we had a visit from the MSPCA to get us all excited for Dress as an Animal Day which is being held on Friday 17th February. All money raised will go straight to the MSPCA.

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Isle Listen - Year 5
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Today we had one of our Isle Listen workshops. We talked about different worries, those we can control and those we can not. We then wrote our worries onto a paper aeroplane and let them fly away!

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Outdoor Learning Display
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Our outdoor learning display has been updated for the Spring Term. Please have a look to see examples of the different activities which have taken place so far this academic year.

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Spring Book Recommendations
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The library display has been updated with new recommendations for the Spring Term. Each year group has chosen a book they have enjoyed and have explained why others should read it.

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School Council Thank You!
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School Council have received a lovely thank you from everyone at Springfield Court for the Christmas cards they delivered earlier in the week. A packet of sweets for each child was dropped off to school!

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School Council visit to Springfield Court
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This morning School Council walked up to Springfield Court to deliver Christmas cards, which they had made during their lunchtime. Unfortunately the coffee morning we were joining was cancelled, however we still placed the cards in the lounge area to be found later!

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New Class Library Books
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Thanks to everyone who supported our Book Fair this year we have been able to order new books for our class libraries. As you can see from the picture we have ordered a huge variety of books and can't wait to share these with the children!

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Night of Light Tree-sure Hunt Competition Winners
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After the success of last year's Night of Light event, Onchan Commissioners got in touch with us again to invite us to take part in their 'Tree-sure Hunt' design competition. All children in school designed a Christmas tree and we were lucky enough to have 10 designs chosen to be part of the treasu…

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Dark Nights Safety Assembly
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We were lucky enough to be visited by PC Lou and PC Fitz this week to talk to the children about being safe outside now that the nights are much darker. They talked about being visible and how best to be seen in the dark and also about how important it is that our grown-ups know where we are.

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