Outdoor Learning Display
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Our outdoor learning display has been updated. Please do have a look at what different year groups have been up to! The display can be found by the Foundation Stage Playground.

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Isle Listen - Toothpaste
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The children in Year 5 had a fantastic session with Isle Listen this week. We used a tube of toothpaste to show how our actions can impact others. Sometimes when we say something bad, it is difficult to take all of those words back.

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Simon Murray - Icky Doo Dah Author/Illustrator visit
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We were extremely lucky to have Simon Murray, author and illustrator of Icky Doo Dah, visit us for the day on Wednesday. Simon worked with every child in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 - sharing his experience of being an author and teaching us a variety of illustration skills.

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Football Vs Ashley Hill Primary School
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This morning our footballers wore our brand new football kits for the first time in football matches against Ashley Hill Primary School. We are incredibly grateful to one of our families who organised, financed and delivered our new kits.

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Manx Radio in for Mother's Day
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Manx Radio popped in today to record some of the reasons we love our mummy's. We had created pictures and had some really lovely suggestions! We can't wait to see the videos and hear ourselves on the radio!

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Safer Internet Day 2023
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Safer Internet Day 2023 Today is Safer Internet. Over the course of this week we will be engaged in learning around the theme of ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. The event is coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees thousands of org…

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Year 5 - Sand Dams Worldwide
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This morning Year 5 had a TEAMS call from Sand Dams Worldwide who install sand dams into dry land areas to increase access to clean water. The charity was previously known as 'Excellent Development' and was an IOM registered charity. This linked in really well with SDG 6 and 7! The guest speaker di…

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