Maths at Onchan School
At Onchan School we follow a Maths Mastery curriculum. Information about this approach can be found on the Parent Guide link below. A copy of the Onchan School Maths Policy is also attached.
Parent Guide to Maths MasteryMaths Policy 24/2
Every child, from years 1-6, have access to a Mathletics account. This allows them to access live Mathletics where they can compete against other students around the world and also curriculum challenges linked to their current learning in school. Teachers use it within their planning and children are encouraged to use it at home when possible. For more information on how to use Mathletics or support your child with it please follow this link.
Parent Guides for Learning at Home
To help you support your child with Maths at home, we have uploaded guides to the different aspects of Maths Mastery. These can be viewed using the links below. If you have any further questions please ask you child's class teacher.
Part- Whole Models
Part - Whole Model Parent Guide