To start the new school year and the first part of the Autumn Term, we are focusing on SDG 12 Responsible Consumption & Production and SDG 13 Climate Action.

Our whole school SOLE questions are:

SDG 12 - Why is there so much waste in the world? Could we have a world without waste?

SDG 13 - What is climate action and why is it so important? How do we know the climate is changing? Why is the earth getting warmer?

Visit the blog to see what each year group has been doing to learn about SDGs 12 & 13 - https://onchan.sch.im/blog/index/view/id/211/Our%2...

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SDGs 2021 & 2022

Find out which SDGs we are learning about this year... Head to the blog to see what each year group has been doing to learn about the goals in each half term! Autumn 1 - SDGs 12 & 13 https://onchan.sch.im/pages/index/view/id/143/Autu... Autumn 2 - SDGs 5…

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