Reading for Pleasure

Christmas Wish Lists

For those wanting to buy books as Christmas presents this year, below are some Book Giving Gift Guides for different ages courtesy of https://www.thereaderteacher.com/. The website is also great to find out what new books are being published each month and book suggestions for each year group.

Christmas Book suggestions for age 3+

Christmas Book suggestions for age 5+

Christmas Book suggestion for age 7+

Christmas Book suggestion for age 9+

As a school we promote Reading for Pleasure rather than reading for rewards. After much research, the decision was made that children would no longer be rewarded with Dojo points for reading, neither would they take home a reading record (Y3 onwards). Reading is promoted through regular book talk between children and teachers, books of the week in every class and daily reading of a class novel chosen by the teachers. We have already seen a difference in the amount of children reading because they want to instead of reading to get dojo points or because 'they have to'.

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On this page you will find lots of information about how we teach English at Onchan School. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher. Literacy Policy Supporting Reading at Home Literacy At Onchan School we us…

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