9/1/23 - Our first lesson on Money. Everyone had great fun making different amounts in pence.
11/1/23 - Monster hunting in Literacy! We went for a monster hunt and then made danger posters!
16/1/23 - Playing "Snap" in Phonics to help read our new words. Instead of "snap" we had to shout the word we had matched.
23/1/23 - Role playing how to be a good friend.
24/1/23 - Acting out the story of The Good Samaritan and using post cards to organise our word types before turning them into sentences.
25/1/23 - Pictures of music, PE and painting sticks to turn into wind-chimes.
27/1/23 - Respect Rainbows
6/2/23 - Presenting news reports all about the bear's concert.
8/2/23 - Getting ready to perform our pieces!