6Ca Llamas - Autumn Term
in the Gallery
Here, you can keep up to date with our learning journey!
Here, you can keep up to date with our learning journey!
Year 2 have had a special visit from Jenny Lovlie this morning as part of LitFest. Jenny Lovlie is an illustrator and has playe…
Pictures will be uploaded here to share our outdoor learning!
Our outdoor learning this term.
Reception have had a very busy and enjoyable first week at Onchan School. We have explored our new learning environment and beg…
Check out the super learning that our Year 4s have been doing this term...
Pictures will be uploaded here to share our fantastic learning in Year 2! 13/9/23 - The children loved creating their own Shabb…
In this gallery you will find lots of pictures of our learning from Autumn 1!
Guild 2023