Welcome to Onchan School!

- Inspiring minds to ignite lifelong learning -

We are delighted that you are taking the time to have a look at our website which will give you, what we hope, is all of the important information that you will need to know about our school.

This information is regularly updated so we would ask that you call back regularly to familiarise yourself with any changes.

It is also the place where you will find photographs and blog posts about recent events so if you want to have a view of the daily life within school this is the place to find it!

The website is designed and maintained by our school staff. We try to keep it relevant and up to date. It is designed to be used by or families, carers and the community to access important information about Onchan School.

You will find separate tabs or drop-down menus for New Starters, children in Year 6 who will leave to go to High School and the transition process, school policies and information, our Specialist Provision Centre (Seals) and most importantly what learning at Onchan looks like.

We are all very proud to be a part of Onchan School. It is a happy, energetic and supportive school to be part of. We look after each other and treat everyone equally. Our school values, which are respect, integrity, courage, endeavour and compassion are endorsed by everyone associated with our school.

If you require any additional information or have suggestions for how we can improve our website please let us know by email to enquiries@onchan.sch.im

Latest activity

Year 6 Onchan Village Survey
Published in the Blog

On Tuesday 18th March, Year 6 went for a walk around Onchan village to look at our local area. We were pleasantly surprised at how clean Onchan was, how many different services were available and how many benches there were. When we got back to school, we discussed what was missing in their opinion…

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Tag Rugby
Published in the Blog

On Sunday 9th March some of our Year 2 and Year 3 children joined Mrs Richardson and I for a few games of Tag Rugby. It was lovely to see their superb team spirit and a great time was had by all.

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Onchan Girls Football Team Tournament Photo
Published in the Blog

Well done Onchan Girls Football team who reached the quarter finals in the Isle of Man Football Association All Island Girls Primary Tournament. We scored some super goals and defended resiliently! We just lost out in the quarter finals again School Vallajeelt who then went on to win the tournament…

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Year 1 Isle of Man Creamery Visit
Published in the Blog

Today, Year 1 had a fantastic visit from the Isle of Man Creameries! Lauren came into school to teach the children all about how cheese and butter are made. The children were eager to find out information, asking lots of great questions about the process and what goes into making these yummy produc…

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